Episode 140: Does God Exist?

On this episode of the Ephesiology Podcast, Michael and Andrew discuss a recent article in Relevant talking about the decline of belief in God. The General Social Survey has been tracking beliefs in the United States for decades. Recent data continues to suggest that increasing numbers of Americans have doubts about God. What will turn this trend around? Andrew suggests the statement “Jesus is Lord” as a critical starting point.

If you have a question or topic that you’d like to hear addressed on the Ephesiology Podcast, just send it to Andrew at andrew@neartownchurch.org.

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Our Podcasters

Michael Cooper
Professor | Missiologist | Author

Michael is the missiologist in residence with East West where he focuses on equipping and empowering church leaders in evangelism, discipleship, leadership, and catalyzing church planting movements in the most difficult to reach places on the planet. He is the author of Ephesiology: The Study of the Ephesian Movement.

Andrew Johnson
Associate Pastor, Neartown Church

Andrew is a pastor, husband and father who desires all to know the one true King. He happily serves at Neartown Church in Houston, TX with a vibrant and growing community. He is the co-host of the Ephesiology Podcast. He is currently a Doctor of Ministry student at Kairos University.


Rediscover Jesus through Revelation

Revelation paints a clear picture of Jesus. In this 10 week study, we’ll discover what it means to be a disciple of Jesus living in challenging times. We’ll see the mission of Jesus’ disciples along with the gospel they proclaimed. And, we’ll dive deeply into the meaning that is so often puzzling to the modern reader.

Ephesiology: A Study of the Ephesian Movement

If you want to understand principles for the growth of Christianity in the first century, the place to begin is the city of Ephesus. In this winsome study, Ephesiology offers readers a comprehensive view of the empowering work of the Holy Spirit in the most significant city of the New Testament, and compels us to ask the question: how can we effectively connect Christ to our culture? 

“Masterfully handling the book of Ephesians and using its content as a definitive guide, Michael Cooper lays a theologically strong foundation that is both corrective and directive to disciple making movements.  The principles he gleans from the book of Ephesians and related texts, help to ensure the on-going multiplication and maturation of a movement. Because these are supra-cultural principles, they are applicable anywhere in the world.”

Marvin J. Newell, Staff Missiologist, Missio Nexus, Author of Crossing Cultures in Scripture

Educating to Shift the Tracks of History

To shift the tracks of history requires leaders who are equipped to critically assess and engage the contours of contemporary culture. As a new initiative in collaboration with the Movement Leaders Collective, Kairos University, and Ephesiology, we deliver just-in-time theological education focused on issues important to you, mxAcademy is designed as the theological and missiological foundation to unlock your potential as a movement leader and catalytic thinker. mxAcademy is a dynamic and innovative educational experience rooted in mDNA.

We dream of a church fully equipped, fully mature, fully mobilized, and fully alive. A church that lives and breathes the Good News of Jesus!

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The Ephesiology Podcast comes to you from a desire to engage in community conversations about the intersection of theology and culture. We do not believe such dialogue should come with a cost so the podcast will always be free. 

However, if you’ve benefited from the Ephesiology Podcast, would you consider a nominal $5 per month donation? All proceeds from the podcast go toward helping bring needed theological education to the majority world through our Ephesiology Master Class initiative to end a theological famine. We’d be honored to partner with you to continue providing solid biblical, theological, and missiological content for listeners around the world.

The Ephesiology Podcast and Ephesiology Master Classes are ministries of TELOS.GO, a registered 501c3 non-profit agency committed to imaginatively missional ways of engageing culture, church planting, and theological education. Your donation to the podcast is tax deductible.

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