Work and Global Missions

In this lunch seminar, Dr. Michael Cooper will help connect the dots between your work and the task of fulfilling the Great Commission.  In a global environment where Christianity is regressing, there is a need for us to bring all of our resources to bear on completing the Great Commission.  As they were in the first century church, business people are vital to finishing the task.

Dr. Cooper states, “The one thing I often hear from business people and about business people is the notion that they believe missionaries and pastors want them involved in ministry for two reasons: to pay and to pray for the ministry.  Somehow we need to break this barrier between missions and business and one way to approach it is by looking at the benefit of a kingdom partnership.  The majority of people around the world are a part of some sort of business.  Either they are business owners or employees.  This makes the business segment of society the largest mission field in the world and the most effective missionary could be the business person properly equipped to engage their colleagues and co-workers with the gospel.”

Come and enjoy food, fellowship, and the challenge to join with God as fellow workers in taking the gospel to those who have never heard.

About the Speaker

Michael T. Cooper currently serves as an executive for a missions agency, training national leaders in evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, and church planting. He is the former president and CEO of an international NGO. In 2010, he founded a Business as Mission initiative that focused on helping alleviate spiritual and economic poverty in the developing world. For a decade he equipped undergraduate and graduate students at Trinity International University with skills to engage culture. He has thirty years of ministry and missions experience, ten years as a pioneer church planter in Romania after the fall of communism. He holds a MA in Missions with special focus on contextual leadership from Columbia International University and a PhD in Intercultural Studies with concentration on historical theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Throughout his career, Michael has focused on creative ways to engage difficult-to-reach people with the gospel. He is the author of Ephesiology: The Study of the Ephesian Movement.

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