Phase 2: Growth Group

Growth Groups are comprised of Discovery Group leaders and are led by Action Group members. The core content of a Growth Group is focused on intermediate discovery Bible studies and a study of Jesus’s life based on the Gospel of John. These studies encourage disciples to share their faith and use their spiritual gifts in the body of Christ. Members of the Growth Group actively share their faith in their network and community as well as participate in following up evangelistic events.

The Topical Studies are designed to help the disciple go deeper into the study of the Christian life. They can be completed individually or in one-on-one discipleship. The Gospel of John Study is designed especially for the Growth Group meeting with discovery questions that help new disciples grow in their belief in God, their understanding of what it looks like to live as a Christian, and the importance of gathering together as a community of believers.

Topical StudiesGospel of John
Our Compelling View of God

The Ministry of Reconciliation

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Spiritual Gifts

God’s Plan for His People

Biblical Giving

Why the Gospel of John?

Leader Resources

More Details in Development

Learn more about Identity-Based-Discipleship

Identity Based Discipleship

Phase 1: Discovery Group

Phase 2: Growth Group

Phase 3: Action Group

Phase 4: Life Group